Thursday, July 2, 2009


Being at Pineywoods and having access to the pool, I thought it was important to continue our summer swim lessons. We did private lessons this summer because Greyson is such a class clown, I just thought it would be best! I took these series of pictures when it was time to learn how to dive...into the 10 ft. section...I thought they were HILARIOUS!

Greyson's swim instructor showing him how to dive (What Greyson was thinking: "I'm pretty sure he's joking about me jumping off this thing, right?!")

("What have I gotten myself into?")

("Um, I'm not so sure about this whole diving thing...")

("Awe, what the HECK...")
Every time he would place his hands in diving formation and then just jump off like a maniac! He enjoyed doing cannon balls, and such, but could never really get the whole "diving face first" concept down! So we moved on to bigger things...
All week he'd been eyeing the big slide, so his instructor talked him into going down at the end!

Still a little apprehensive about the whole thing...